WhatsApp has been working hard in recent months to catch up to competitor messaging services, notably when it comes to group chats. The most popular messaging service on Meta has a polling feature, options for moderators, and a list of people who have been in group chats in the past.  Communities have also begun rolling out beta testers this week. In a similar line, we’ve just learned about an impending feature: individualised profile images within group messaging. Evidently, WhatsApp needs to catch up to other messaging apps by displaying user profiles alongside messages, as Telegram, Skype, and Slack do. According to WABetaInfo, based on evidence in the new release, WhatsApp group chats may include participant profile pictures next to their messages in a future update.  Senders might be easily recognised with this functionality, and profile images could be used as quick visual identification in larger groups where you may not know everyone’s name.  Visually, it’s reminiscent of the profile photos used in Messenger chats. It’s important to remember that your profile image won’t appear next to your replies unless the other person first sends you a message. There has been no mention of the transition in our private conversations.  Once the beta version is released, everyone will have a better notion of how it works! Read more: You can now exit a WhatsApp group: And no one will come to know!

WhatsApp Groups Will Stop Resembling Online Forums in the Near Future - 42WhatsApp Groups Will Stop Resembling Online Forums in the Near Future - 61WhatsApp Groups Will Stop Resembling Online Forums in the Near Future - 10WhatsApp Groups Will Stop Resembling Online Forums in the Near Future - 14