Curtains went down from the price of much-awaited Nokia Flagship phones, Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 as they got launched at the official press conference in Delhi and Mumbai. The drool-worthy model of Nokia, Lumia 920 has been priced at Rs 38,199 and Lumia 820 will be available for Rs 27,559.  The devices would hit major cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Banglore, Hyderabad, Kolkatta tomorrow. Nokia also surprised people by announcing Lumia 620, the cheaper Windows 8 model, which would be available in Indian next month. Nokia has also tied up with major phone carriers Vodafone and Airtel for the distribution of their phone. The Press Conference was announced with a cryptic title ‘Are you ready to switch’ that created excitement and increased energy levels in conference.

Savory Nokia Lumia Pricw Set At A Whooping Rs 38 199 - 98Savory Nokia Lumia Pricw Set At A Whooping Rs 38 199 - 19Savory Nokia Lumia Pricw Set At A Whooping Rs 38 199 - 13Savory Nokia Lumia Pricw Set At A Whooping Rs 38 199 - 85Savory Nokia Lumia Pricw Set At A Whooping Rs 38 199 - 54