The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) also wrote to the Union IT Ministry seeking either a ban on WhatsApp and Facebook, or are looking for restriction on WhatsApp from implementing the updated privacy policy. The Traders Union said that all kinds of personal information, including payment transactions, location, etc., would be attained by the messaging app for any use. Since nearly 20 crore Indians use Facebook and in case the social media giant is allowed to access their data, it would pose a serious threat to the country. This poses a major trouble for WhatsApp in India as the government has asked the company to withdraw its new policy update and respect the “informational privacy and data security of Indian users.” Else, the government will have to take drastic measures and may even end in WhatsApp ban in India 2021. You Might Also Like: The Recent Debate: WhatsApp Vs. Telegram Vs. Signal The government is also against the “all-or-nothing approach” of WhatsApp where it has asked the users to either accept the terms or be ready to log out of full bouquet of services. This ‘all-or-nothing’ approach takes away any meaningful choice from users across the globe.

 WhatsApp Privacy Policy Update

WhatsApp has been under grave criticism for the past few weeks over its updated privacy policy and terms of service, which forces users to share more user information with its parent company Facebook. The update, which was sent to Android and iOS users world over, have left the users with no choice but to but to accept them in case they want to continue to keep using the messaging app.   This led to several industry leaders including tech entrepreneur Elon Musk and Indian business tycoon Anand Mahindra to make a case for shifting to alternative platforms.  To save itself from the fire, WhatsApp has issued clarifications stating that the new policy will have no impact on the individual chats in any way and would only lead to business accounts on WhatsApp sharing more data with Facebook. Also Read: Signal App Features Promise a Secure Experience Stay tuned to this space to know will WhatsApp stop working in India. Sign in for our newsletter to get daily updates delivered to your mailbox.

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