If you have forwarded messages, you likely notice a “Forwarded” label on the messages. This allows you to know if a friend or family member has written the message they sent or if the message previously came from someone else. It is important to note that, any messages you forward that are not your own outgoing messages will display/show the “Forwarded” label to you and any recipient receiving the message. There is also the matter of WhatsApp having a “Forwarded Many Times” feature on the app. This means that when a message is forwarded through a chain of five or more chats, the WhatsApp will display a double arrow icon on the “Forwarded Many Times” label. Once this ‘forwarded’ cap has been reached, the message can only be forwarded to one chat at a time. If you would like to send a message that has the previously mentioned “Forwarded Many Times” label to more than five people, then you can still do so by simply copy-pasting it to one chat. Once you have done that, you can forward the message to five users once again.
Can You Tell If A WhatsApp Message Was Forwarded to You?
No, while there is a “Forwarded” label on forwarded messages on WhatsApp; however, it can also be avoided by the sender simply copy-pasting the message. As previously mentioned, this method can be used to get a “Forwarded Many Times” message back in the rounds. Since a forwarded message can only be circulated five times after the sender, the message can be copied and pasted, which can then be rendered as a ‘new message.’ Therefore, the forwarded message can be sent to up to five more chats, after that, it can be sent to only one chat at a time. With the previous statements in mind, you can see how someone may be able to forward a message without the “Forwarded” label being enabled on the WhatsApp message.
Can Someone Tell If You Forwarded Their Message?
No, there is no notification or label that can notify them that you have forwarded your WhatsApp message. While it may be possible for the receiver to know if a WhatsApp voice note is forwarded, the sender cannot know for sure if their WhatsApp message was forwarded. The same can be said for someone not being able to know if you have forwarded their message. There is no notification or label that can let the original sender know that their message has been forwarded. The only exception to this would be if you told them that you forwarded their message, or if someone they know has shown them that they have received the WhatsApp message with the “Forwarded” label on the message. While this is unlikely, it is not entirely impossible. Though rest assured there is no notification on WhatsApp that will notify them that you have forwarded their message.
Is There A Message Forwarding Notification?
No, there is no notification on WhatsApp for when a message is forwarded. Only you will know when you have forwarded a WhatsApp message. Sure, there may be a “Forwarded” label on the WhatsApp message for the receiver to see when the message is received; however, if someone forwarded the message you sent to them, you will not be notified that they have forwarded the message. The only person that can know for certain that the message has been forwarded is the sender.
Can Someone Tell If You Forwarded Their Voice Note?
No, the sender cannot learn about the WhatsApp message being forwarded, but the receiver of the voice note, on the other hand, can know. This can be indicated through the “Forwarded” badge that is present at the top of the WhatsApp message. If you do not want the receiver to know that the voice note is indeed forwarded, then you can go to the WhatsApp folder that is in your File Manager. Once you are in the File Manager, you can use the “Search” to find the audio messages within the subfolder and then share them by selecting the WhatsApp app.
How to See Who Has Forwarded Your Message
As previously mentioned, you (the sender) will not be notified by the WhatsApp if your message has been forwarded; however, there is one way for you to know if someone has forwarded your message. Since there is no notification if someone has forwarded your WhatsApp message, the only way you could possibly know for sure, is if they have sent you back the forwarded message by mistake. To be clear, the only way you could know if someone has forwarded your message is if they have mistakenly sent the forwarded message back to you, at which point, you can come to the conclusion that they have forwarded your WhatsApp message. The Facebook-owned company WhatsApp has attempted to slow misinformation with the “Forwarded” label being added to messages; however, this only applies to the receiver of the message. Even then, the receiver cannot be certain that a WhatsApp message has not been forwarded, since the message can be copy-pasted. When the message is copy-pasted, it is re-registered as a “new message”; therefore, it can be forwarded up to five times again, at which point the cycle can continue.